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Montessori Sensorial Games

  • 4 Steps




Sensory experiences are critical for brain development – especially in the first few years of life… To best support your child’s development, look around for simple opportunities to engage your child’s senses. Feel the hot grass under your feet on a sunny day. Bake gingerbread together, taking time to smell each spice. Enjoy a walk through the neighborhood and listen to the birds. When your child uses their senses to explore, they’re learning A LOT of valuable information about the world around them. In Montessori, the goal of sensory activities (usually called sensorial activities) is to help children develop and refine each of their senses. Luckily, these kinds of activities don’t have to be complicated or require a lot of prep work. Ready to check out some Montessori-inspired sensory activities you can do at home with your toddler? Let’s go!

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